Don’t fall: prey to the ‘one to two’ rule

Eat before the big meal
We know that your usual daily diet isn’t nearly as tasty as the dinner you will feast your eyes upon, but showing up for the feast with an empty stomach is a recipe for over-eating. To help tame your hunger, be sure to eat a nutritious, low-cal snack or a bowl of vegetable soup about one hour before mealtime.
Sweet foods go straight to your fat cells and make you hungry for more, so don’t be obligated to load up on sugar cookies and pumpkin pie to honor a tradition of the season. Take some to go, and eat it later if your family is anything like mine and insist on you trying everything on the Thanksgiving buffet.
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Watch Your Portions
Thanksgiving tables are bountiful and beautiful displays of traditional family favorites. Before you fill your plate, survey the buffet table and decide what you're going to choose. Then select reasonable-sized portions of foods you cannot live without. Skip the things you can have any time during the year, and fill your plate with small portions of holiday favorites that only come around once a year.