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3,077 likes 47w matefitmeBy @madib_fitness "A years worth of work. A years worth of determination. A years worth of sweat and tears. The year I never gave up! Time to set new goals for the new year. DM me for help. @matefitme you have truly helped me transform my body. I started using your products before they had nice labels and before the water bottles. And I've grown and changed while I've watched your company grow and succeed. Congrates on all your accomplishments and I'm excited to have another wonderful year with #matefitme products ♡" #matefitmefeedback view all 115 comments adriels_mom@j_han19 yea i know thats why teas r bs too its about eating right and working out. j_han19Im sure the tea helps with bloating and digestion though! But its not a permanent weight loss thing ya know??? @adriels_mom adriels_momYea tesfayelove@adrian_gordillo nicheshoeswkwkwk @emmaajamal ? emmaajamalOh god ?? @rudysulkhan rudysulkhan? @emmaajamal corahi_ruizUn año mamita ? @zoeruzz janitamatoke@bada_bing_bada_boom_ norma_alejandra17Venga @mlsber si se puede!! ? #Euro2016 si_gotit@__tiffoni leylamer@ayten778 norah91hussain@mohamed.h.subaie bcrawford2013@asiaboo_luvsyou juliee_nguyen@tea_oh_knee kimervin__@abrahamoviedo13 yisel2k@i_rizz_d_los valeriemayj@mulaska vvilardo22@wcivelle11 this could be us but ... We haven't started out teatox yet taif3iydفيه أمل @hudaaiyd *Results may vary from person to person

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2,186 likes 36w matefitmeFrom @ashlispikes23: " My 3 month progress with @matefitme !!! You guys need to hop on the bandwagon. I'm like FREAKING OUT looking in the mirror! Geez! Eating healthy is great, and so is working out, but you HAVE to tend to the colon. Guess what all obese people have in common other than their weight... A TOXIC COLON! You must detox! Thanks again @matefitme ! If anyone has questions, feel free to DM me or comment. My boyfriend even uses this tea. And he is a holistic guru! Don't get left behind. No, I am not paid or asked to say any of this. I'm just really really psyched about my body ❤❤❤❤❤" #matefitmefeedback view all 117 comments lovetyra_xo@trillest_beautyxo moniconlimon@margaret64_ attaway120603How does the tea work @ashlispikes23.. heyymisstene@shirley_bent madein1876__@embracedepth pete_la@cxsglam _bella2003_@loewenbienchen_2011 so kriegen wir das hin cindy? raja3000Skinny people have toxic colons too. As Americans, we have toxic colons; our food is tainted jay_manson@blissful_brittt mrs.mikeshitJa klar ? @_bella2003_ leahparker123@Parkernicole17 kartyr1@bedroomkandibylesha ..lets order raisha@iamyaderismontijo niasanchezgomez@danisanchezgomez mrsparalis@xomikri sagchick@natie2284 hey love! I just ordered my second round of detox and I thought of you! You should really check it out! Do the 28 day and tell me how you like it! It truly work!! ? sagchickWorks** @natie2284 natie2284@sagchick oh cool!!!.. Thank you for thinking of me. I will try it!!. Thanks again?? kari_gorda@canton_leslye msdefine@jfeem *Results may vary from person to person

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1,731 likes 20w matefitmeFrom @eadams20 That was me in May this is me today. I have lost 40 pounds. I love #MateFit tea. It has helped me so very much! ❤️thank you!!! @matefitme #matefitmefeedback view all 41 comments carynelissaDo you drink them cold or hot does it matter karinaaamx3@marie__hall kikididitYou look great keep up the good work adrianlischerWas this the detox tea or the metabolic one? i_am_shalaneWhich one were you drinking? i_am_shalaneHow many days do you get out of the pack? jessicalakkis@daninazarek this one is really popular caitlinn.price@lauraggiese brittsbbLol @rochellenicoleg ? sadeonnay@eadams20 did you work out often and how much? _emiwoo_I drink the green bag at night hot with lemon, and the orange bag twice daily one hot and one cold _emiwoo_I work out at least 3 times a week _emiwoo_I got two weeks out of the mini teatox and a month out of the full teatox _emiwoo_I buy extra of the green bag though because I drink it almost every night rochellenicolegLool @brittsbb mcampss@g_campsss its.adieYass @rhialee11 ashleyyyxxvii@mikaelas__mommy thinking about ordering this amarshall876@ashleymarshall3 she can do you can too. Get it girl!!! ashleymarshall3@amarshall876 thanx babe! I'll make you proud :-) *Results may vary from person to person

*Results may vary from person to person
1,563 likes 24w matefitmeFrom @rabbagail Day 1 vs day 28 #matefitteatox #matefit results after 28 days of integrating a healthy diet and @matefitme tea I've lost around 5lbs and 5.5 inches...totaling 13lbs down since April & over 25lbs down since the beginning of the year. Love your body y'all! Treat it well, sleep well, eat well AND do so much yoga ? here's proof a healthy life works!!!! Bring on my vacation!!!!!? #loveyourbody ??? #hardwork #dedication #matefitresults #yogaeverydamnday #matefitmefeedback view all 36 comments lanie.420These results could have been achieved in 1/4 of the time by just drinking lots of water and exercising....wut k_afakasiResults... Wya _fuckyofeelingsnigga5 lbs in 28 days is nothing. Just drink water and hit the gym rabbagailThank you for the feature!!! Definitely ordering more ?? wesdelk@_fuckyofeelingsnigga fuckyocommentnigga, I bet your friends just love how supportive you are. matefitguru@_toofitforyou_ only metabolic boost contain caffeine, remaining products are caffeine free. matefitguru@westisthebest we do not recommend our products to nursing and pregnant women. matefitguru@inkedgypsi not a problem, you can do that. nelsonc83@laney4colon pdelgiudice@lorenaalexiaa I agree. ...any difference at all in this pic... lion_k92Its taken close up and then from afar? _mzlucy_There's no difference the focus was just changed.. _mzlucy_Y don't they challenge someone that's really big and see how much weight he/she actually loses??all of these girls on here are already thin.. weemo_r????@lolitaa_0 allyrose1978@jewelofthenile26 notice any thing diff grooh35mHow can i order it???in saudi arabia jewelofthenile26Lol one picture them zoom in the other then zoom out @allyrose1978 them wicked nuh rass allyrose1978Same thing I thought smh @jewelofthenile26 badbishesgoodweed@lion_k92 @_mzlucy_ @pdelgiudice check out her hand one has red nail polish one don't silentdove01Day one nail polish isn't going to be the same color as day 28. Read first people *Results may vary from person to person